Life at Warp Speed

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DragonBox Math Apps – currently on sale! May 30, 2014

Filed under: Apps,Early Elementary,Gifted,Kids,Middle School,Upper Elementary — lifeatwarpspeed @ 12:25 am

DragonBox Algebra 5+ on the App Store on iTunes. ($2.99, normally $5.99)

DragonBox Algebra 12+ on the App Store on iTunes. ($4.99, normally $9.99)

DragonBox Elements on the App Store on iTunes. ($2.99, normally $5.99)

Does the words algebra or geometry make your child freeze? Or do you have a math adept child that is hungry for more? This is a great set of apps to introduce your child to fundamental concepts of algebra and geometry in a fun way. Take the mystery and the fear right out of tackling higher math.

Sometimes, stepping away from the textbook, pencil and paper and just playing this together with your child could make a world of difference in removing math anxiety for older kids. For younger kids that enjoy math, this is just plain fun to get away from arithmetic drills and change things up a bit. This is even a good for parents that are feeling a bit rusty with algebra and geometry to get the brain thinking this way after many years. If you have a gifted child, this is a really great way to offer more depth and challenge.

Dragon Box has placed all three of their top-rated award-winning (many times over) apps on sale right now. I have no idea how long this will last, so jump on this fast!

You can learn more about what the algebra apps cover here: . Geometry fundamentals are tackled with really engaging fun puzzles that help kids learn and discover the logical reasoning behind all those dreaded proofs from geometry.